Dealing With Failures

Pastors will do their best to equip members for ministries, yet there will always be problems along the way. There is no fool-proof strategy in ministry. As a pastor I must understand that people make mistakes, are not perfect, fail at times, or may become irresponsible. And that is normal. It’s okay.

But when is okay okay? When do you start telling people that it’s not always okay to be irresponsible? Challenging people to constantly improve themselves?

I don’t have to blame myself when people fail, or backslide, or when they become irresponsible. God is still in control. And when all things fail, I simply need to put them into God’s hand and let him handle the problem. Of course I have a crucial role in helping these people become effective and efficient ministers but I don’t have to blame myself when they do fail.

I do need to become responsible. For their failure might be rooted in my failure to disciple them. I must strive for excellence. And yet I can only go as far as sharing with them what God has revealed to me. I must not be fearful. I can only be bold.