What I Want to Be As a Pastor-Dad (final)

Here’s a list of what I want to be for my babies:

Loving Dad - No one can love them more than I do. That means exercising enough patience on them when they grumble. Loving them for who they are not simply for what they can do and should be. Being appreciative of their best efforts and being thankful for the simple things they can do. My love for them will not diminish when they fail or increase when they succeed. I will be a loving Dad whether they succeed or fail.  A loving Dad whether they err or behave.  A loving father whether they remain a Christian or not.

Dependable Dad -  I want to be there when they need me.  That includes changing their diapers and assisting them drink their vitamins. I want to be there when they call. Attending their  simple school play or finding money to finance their school’s nuclear project.  I want them to dream with the assurance that Daddy will be there as a dependable buddy to help them with their dreams and help them make it a reality.  I will be there when they need me the most and when they simply need a friend.

Playmate Dad - I want my kids to grow up enjoying playtime. Expose them to different games and sports. Perhaps in doing so, they will discover which game give them the most fun. Perhaps in doing so, help them find their career in their playtime. Perhaps help them discover their inborn talents and further develop it through play. After all, we usually enjoy the career that we enjoyed role-playing with when we were young.

Friend Dad - I want to be my babies’ bestfriend. To be able to go down to their level and hear about their crushes and stories in school. I want to know what’s going on in their lives and take time to know the problems they face. The adjustments they need to make.  I want to be a friend who simply listens. Watch movie together. Go malling together.  Simply have fun together.

Mentor Dad - I’d teach them about the basic skills I know in life. From changing flat tires to replacing the computer’s CPU. A little photography. Editing videos. Blogging. Painting. Creative arts. Poetry. Sketching. Appliance repair. Pathfindering. Boyscout stuff. Girlscout stuff.  Baking. Cooking.  Basic skills in life. Discovering your career. Finding the love of your life. Surviving life’s challenges.

Counselor Dad - When needed - be a counselor. Most of the times listening is enough. That would be enough.

Spiritual Dad- I want to be their foremost discipler. Not their youth pastor. Not their Sabbath school teacher.  After all, I am a pastor.  Teach them what I know about the Bible and really try to model it. Home worship. Sing praises. Be creative spiritually. Take them in my ministry activities.  Help them grow spiritually. Assist them in their journey as they discover, meet, and know Christ. It has to be intentional not just  mere modeling. A one-on-one discipleship.   To pray with them every night just before we sleep.


Unknown said...

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